Our Mission
Established in 1978, LOSH is a nationally recognized center whose mission is to promote safe jobs, healthy lives, dignity and a voice for all workers. We do this through training and education initiatives, worker leadership development, community-engaged research, and assessment of policies related to worker health, labor rights, and environmental justice.
LOSH’s efforts focus on workers in high-hazard industries and those in low-wage and informal labor markets. Many of our programs are offered in Spanish or other languages.
LOSH collaborates with labor unions, worker centers, community-based organizations, governmental agencies, researchers, and community healthcare providers to reach our goals. We also support a network of several hundred trained advocates in Southern California, including union stewards, members of worksite health and safety committees, community health promoters, and safety trainers.
LOSH is a subunit of UCLA’s Institute for Research on Labor and Employment (IRLE) and is affiliated with the Center for Occupational and Environmental Health (COEH).