This 4-6 hour module is designed to help students recognize worker health inequities and identify ways they can be eliminated. Popular education concepts and Dr. Camara Jones’ Cliff Analogy framework are the foundation for teaching about the social determinants of occupational health and safety equity and the impact of institutionalized discrimination at work. The module is divided into three sections.
Section 1: Introduction to Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)
- Describe key events in the history of occupational health and safety that led to legal protections for workers.
- Describe the scope of worker injury and illness in the U.S.
- Identify job hazards and health consequences of exposure.
Section 2: Social Determinants of Worker Health and Equity
- Identify social determinants of worker health as they apply to case studies.
- Describe macro and micro theoretical factors that lead to health inequities.
- Analyze causes of health inequities and worker groups affected.
Section 3: Ways to Better Working Conditions
- Identify key players involved in worker health advocacy.
- Describe strategies to achieve healthy working conditions.
- Analyze case studies to identify hazards, illness/injuries, determinants of worker health and equity.
The module can be integrated into courses that discuss social determinants of health, health equity, social and environmental justice, and occupational and environmental health and safety. It was developed for upper level undergraduate students and includes assignments to facilitate adapting it for graduate students. The module has been taught in undergraduate and graduate level seminars as well public health overview courses ranging from 40-250 students.
Please contact us at to request any of the following materials:
- Work and Health Equity Instructor Guide (pdf)
- PowerPoint Slides: Sections 1-3
- Family Work History Assignment (word document)