Check out LOSH’s following new fact sheet:
Legal Aid Referral List / Lista de referencias de asistencia legal: this bilingual fact sheet provides a legal aid referral list for topics such as Employment, Worker’s Compensation, Immigration and Domestic Violence.
Visit the LOSH Fact Sheets page to check out this fact sheet and more.
This year marked LOSH’s 45th anniversary, and it was an exciting year of growth for our program. Read more.
Este año marcó el 45 aniversario de LOSH y fue un año emocionante de crecimiento para nuestro programa. Lee mas.
How to Properly and Safely Don and Doff your N95 Respirator / Cómo ponerse y quitarse su respirador N95 seguramente y correctamente
Want to know if you are correctly wearing your N95 respirator? Watch this video to learn how to properly put on and take off (or in Hazmat lingo, don and doff) your N95! Although Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) should be the last line of defense when implementing controls to address workplace hazards, respirators do play an important role in protecting the respiratory system. Watch the video here.
¿Quiere saber si tiene su respirador N95 puesto correctamente? ¡Vea este video para aprender como se pone y quita su N95! Aunque el Equipo de Protección Personal (EPP) debe ser la última defensa cuando se implementan controles para abordar los peligros laborales, los respiradores tienen un rol importante en proteger el sistema respiratorio. Vea el vídeo aquí.
UCLA LOSH collaborated with the United Steelworkers (USW) to create four short videos that highlight the history and key elements of the regulation. Check them out today!